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Information Technology in Supply Chain

Free «Information Technology in Supply Chain» Essay Sample

In our changeable world, there is one thing that will never change. It is the supply chain dependency on information technology. Managing researches, operations, logistics, and customers requires immediate access to information that can be effectively managed and realised only with the support of modern technology. This work is devoted to the role of information technology in supply chain.

Supply chain needs to meet the challenges of the present and future. Consumer safety sustainability, legal and ethical behaviours, and supply chain security are all expected and in some cases demanded by consumers and governments worldwide. All of them are very much dependant on available technologies. To improve the flexibility, competitiveness, and responsiveness of the company, the supply chain managers need to get an easy and quick access to the newest information. It should always be accurate, accessible, transferable, timely, and relevant. Information technology has the main impact on improving this process. Most companies use SCIS (supply chain information system), computer hardware, and supportive Internet-based technologies. Industry leaders are using SCIS to create the whole chain visibility, adaptive capabilities, and substantial competitive advantages in their respective markets. The research has showed that there are four main categories of software used in supply chain. They include systems for every day processes management, tools that help to plan forecasting activities, different business applications that help companies analyze performance, and management tools to monitor supply chain flows (Coyle, Langley, Gibson, Novack, & Bardi, 2009).

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Taking everything into consideration, it should be said that organizations can take a full advantage of information technology. Its role in supply chain is to facilitate interorganizational communication, to reduce cycle times, to develop collaborative work, to enhance relationship management, and to expand the markets worldwide.

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