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Audience Profile on Creating a Hard Drive Partition

Free «Audience Profile on Creating a Hard Drive Partition» Essay Sample

Creating a hard drive partition refers to the process of dividing the hard drive into different parts. It is the dividing of the hard drive storage space into separate sections or parts. Hard disk partitioning allows the user to store different files and directories in different partitions. The primary audience of are high school levers who want to learn computer application. They are mostly teenagers between sixteen and nineteen years. However, the audience might also include other youths in their early twenties who were late to join computer package courses immediately after school. The secondary audience includes college students taking computer related courses. Employed adults, tutors and other interested members of the public can also decide to learn how to create a hard drive partition. Therefore, it is important to organize the information carefully such that every interested member will comprehend the process of dividing the hard drive into different parts.

The primary audience of this work already has basic computer knowledge. They understand what a hard drive and storage space mean. They are interested in knowing how to divide the hard drive into different parts. They are eager to learn how a hard drive can be divided when it is still in the computer. They have a positive attitude towards the topic since they work with computers which are already partitioned. They need to comprehend the process and its importance. The learners expect the topic to be hard since it involves dividing the hard drive space when it is still in the computer. They understand that the process is not done manually with the hard drive at hard.

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Achieving the goals in this topic requires keenness and clear explanation. It is important to start with the definition of a hard disk and storage space. Allow learners to participate by asking them rhetorical questions such is, ‘Is it possible to divide something that you are not holding with your hands?’ Reminding the learners these terms help them to reason with you. The next step requires clear definition of the partitioning concept. This is followed by explanations of how the process takes place. Demonstrating the process practically helps the learners to understand the process better. Assessment questions at the end of the topic will help learners’ asses their understanding.

In conclusion, hard drive partitioning is dividing the hard drive storage space into different sections. The primary audience of this topic is high school leavers learning computer application. These are teenagers who have basic computer knowledge from secondary schools and have already learnt some concepts before tackling such a topic. However, college students, tutors and other persons dealing with computers can also access the work. It is important to organize the topic carefully starting with the definitions, explanations, demonstration and assessment to assess whether the objectives of the study were achieved.

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