
Training Process Model: Human Resources Management

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In the modern world, human resources management becomes a crucial condition for the success of an organization. Deficiency in knowledge and skills of personnel results in low productivity, improper quality of work performance, increased company costs and reduced competitiveness of products or services provided by the enterprise (Serbu, 2013). Therefore, availability of an up-to-date continuous operational system of professional and personal development of personnel is the key element of efficient work in an organization. It enables business to prevent the outflow of skilled employees, which results in the raise of competence of the staff and competitiveness of the enterprise accordingly (Dalto, 2014). One of the objectives of human resources management in the organization is the application of education models that motivate employees by providing the conditions for continual training and development (Freifeld, 2013). Successful achievement of this goal leads to the growth of interest to work in the company, decrease of personnel turnover, and more efficient work of the entire organization. This research paper studies the training process model based on the example of the organization dealing with production and sale of plastic pipes for water supply and sewage pipelines.

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Overview of the Organization, Its Mission, Vision, and Strategic Goals

The investigated company specializes in production of pipes made of polymeric materials for water supply and sewage systems. The organization has been working in the relevant market for 10 years. The enterprise’s vision is to be modern and innovative company continuously improving products’ quality to satisfy customer needs. The total number of employees in the company is about 1,100 people. The structure includes several production departments such as planning, design and engineering, production workshops, and quality control and non-production divisions such as human resources, purchase, finance, legal, sales, health and safety. The company’s mission is to provide clients with plastic pipes of proper quality that are reliable, strong, corrosion resistant and easy to install. All pipes and accessories are produced in accordance with the required technology and the certificates of conformity. The strategic goals of the organization are as follows: regular products supply, appropriate price-quality ratio of goods, operative customer service and improvement of the environmental component in the production process.


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The activities of the organization are based on the following values:

  • responsibility to the clients: continuous investigation of customers’ expectations and requirements in order to improve their satisfaction with the provided services;
  • responsibility to the staff: continuous care for the improvement of the safety of working conditions, good wages, social protection for company employees and their family members;
  • quality: aspiration to provide high-quality products and services;
  • professionalism: support and encouragement of employees to be competent and skillful;
  • innovative approach: application of the best management practices, advanced technologies, promotion of new ideas, and creation of own production technologies.

The Reasons for the Training Program

The process of development of a training program consists of several key stages. According to Pavlou (n.d.), it is initially required to define the needs and goals of training. Then the training methods as well as the category of personnel participating in the education are determined. Finally, the implementation of the training program has to be described (McKay, n.d.). The training program for the stated company is developed in accordance with these stages. Based on the analysis of the organization’s performance, the board of directors decided to improve the work of the organization. One of the efficient methods to achieve this aim is to refine the managers’ skills and their managerial competencies.

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The need for the stated training is conditioned by the intention of the company management to work with more efficiency and profit. Successful implementation of the education course will result in the improvement of the company’s performance due to the development of actual management competences; increase of the ability to work efficiently in the changing environment; costs reduction due to application of gained methods, techniques and algorithms in daily operation. The reasons for the training imply the requirement for the company managers to rationally plan their activities, improve their business communication skills and overcome internal and external resistance to changes in the environment. The offered training program makes education a business process of the organization. The course contributes to expansion of the knowledge of the participants in such areas as human resources management, managerial decision-making, information control, planning and control, solving the managerial problems, motivation of personnel, team work, alterations supervision, and time management.

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The Training Program Description and the Training Process Model

The proposed training program is titled “The development of management competences.” The targeted audience consists of the company managers – top managers and middle-level managers (department and project managers). The number of course participants is 200 employees. The training methods include individual learning, work in small groups, case studies, role-playing games, brainstorming, discussions, sessions, and behavioral modeling. The algorithms of management activity form the basis of this training program. It is a practical program providing active involvement of its participants in the educational process through applying special methods of adult training. Approximate time allocation consists of 30% of theoretical aspects and 70% of practical exercises. The training process is organized in a mixed form, where theoretical review of the topic is combined with practical exercises during classes. In addition, practical homework assignments enable participants to apply the gained management tools directly in their daily work. This approach creates an opportunity to solve managerial problems and improve the effectiveness of management in the organization departments already within the course.

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The given Training Process Model generally supports the education program developed for the company managers. The structure and the main stages of the training program are similar to the Model. Thus, the program includes such provisions as the name of the course, the objectives of the program, the targeted audience, the number of participants and a breakdown into sections, each of which has its own goal and the number of required hours. The forms and methods of training are defined for each stage. The Training Process Model serves as the basis for development of the training program for this organization. However, some adjustments are needed to adapt the education program to the specifics of the company’s activities. The developed program for managers’ education takes into account the number of participants, their allocation into groups, the need to spend more time on practical exercises than on theoretical aspects, and the common level of managerial competency of these managers.

The Training Program Tasks to Be Performed at Each Stage

The duration of the developed training program is 70 hours in total, where each lesson lasts 4 hours. The initial subject is called “Introduction to Management.” The main tasks for this stage are to form a proper notion of the role and position of a manager in an organization and the factors impacting his or her performance. The participants have to gain a clear understanding of the management functions, requirements, limitations and alternatives in the manager’s work, and the actual manager skills.

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The next stage is related to key activities of a manager and consists of five topics. The first one in this block is titled “Solving Managerial Problems.” The task of this phase is to become acquainted with the definition of “managerial problem,” the meaning of problem-solving, and to practice the gained skills in the production of solutions. The topic “Taking Managerial Decisions” assists the participants to determine the approaches to decision-taking that are typical for them and study additional useful techniques.  The benefits and drawbacks of each applied approach are demonstrated at this phase. The tasks of the following topic, which is called “Planning and Control,” include investigation of approaches to setting goals, rational planning, achievement of aims, monitoring and control. The next phase is “Business Processes Management,” which is aimed to reveal the manager’s role in this type of management. Understanding of the components and the algorithm of business processes formation within the specifics of this organization is the integral part of this stage. The topic “Information Management” explains the informational needs for the company, features and value of qualitative information and provides the techniques on how to manage informational overload and improve data control.

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The next four topics constitute the Human Resources module of the training. The topic “Human Resources System” denotes the key functions of a manager in personnel management. The tasks for this phase include practical exercises for defining the level of involvement of each course participant into these processes at the enterprise. The phase “Business Communication” sets the tasks to analyze the efficiency of current communication methods applied in the company, to diagnose the communication climate in its departments, and to study the best practices of holding efficient meetings and presentations. The topic “Motivation of Personnel” gives an overview of modern approaches, typical mistakes, methods and myths of motivation. The phase “Work in Team” includes the tasks to arrange interaction in the team and manage team work.

The conclusion stage of the training program consists of two topics. The first one is titled “The Management of Changes.” It gives a notion about the attitude and resistance to the changes of the company staff and provides practical exercises on how to evaluate resistance and involve subordinates in the work process. The second topic, “Personal Efficiency of a Manager,” forms the tasks to analyze time allocation at work, prioritizing and planning of activities as well as to practice anti-stress mechanisms and stress prevention techniques.


This research paper contains an analysis of the main components of the training program in the organization. Based on the existing Training Process Model and information resources, the training issues in the organization were investigated. In accordance with the collected materials, the training program was adapted to specific needs of the enterprise. An assessment of the need for such training was made and the expected benefits provided the goals of this course. The goals and tasks of the participants at each stage of the training were described. The considered methodology of the program development enables to arrange the training logically and accurately. The developed training program for company managers aims to increase the level of their professional competence, which will result in higher efficiency of departments’ activities and the organization in general.

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